
Thursday, September 27, 2012


So here's my hair story. I would say my hair grows at an above average rate. I grow it out because I have all these hopes and dreams of styling it in all these fun ways. Once it gets long I get frustrated because it takes me so long to do. Then I chop it off. I love, I hate it, I deal with it. I try to style it but as it grows it hits my shoulders and flips out like I'm 12 years old. Yeah, that's my favorite look :::rolls eyes::: Then I remember I think I look better with it long so it grows back out and guess what, the cycle starts again. Am I the only one that does this? Here are some examples...

Spring 2009

Fall 2009

Fall 2010
Spring 2011

December 2011

My birthday this year in July

So guess what part of the stage I am in right guessed it...the growing it out stage. Ha! Will this cycle continue or will I find a length I like? I guess we will see!

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